NSDA Recommendations for Doulas

Friday April 17th, 2020

Currently, doulas are welcomed at local birth units as the one-support person for families who have no other support, or for families who chose to have the doula present instead of a partner/family/friend for whatever reason. The NSDA invites all doulas to follow as many of the following recommendations as they can in order to minimize the spread of COVID-19. Decision to support clients in their home remains at the discretion of the family and the doula. When choosing to provide in-person support, please consider the following:

  1. Bring proof of your training or certifications. In some areas of Canada, this is required. There is no word on this happening in Nova Scotia, but it’s better to be safe that sorry. If you have taken a Blood Born Pathogens course or an Infection & Disease Control course, bring proof of these as well.

  2. Bring two (2) extra sets of clean clothes in two (2) separate plastic bags. Upon entering a family’s home or the hospital, change into a clean set of clothes (bonus if you have scrubs) and clean shoes. Shoes should be washable (ie Crocs or the likes or shoes that can be laundered in the washing machine). Before leaving a family’s home or the hospital, change into a new clean set of clothes and shoes. If you are going from the family’s home to support them in hospital, you should have yet another clean set of clothes to change into upon arrival at the hospital. At every step, used clothing should be placed in a sealable plastic bag.

  3. If you have your own personal protective equipment (PPE), bring it. This includes gloves (in sufficient quantity), masks, foot covering, etc. These should be used at a clients home and at the hospital at all time.

  4. Bring plenty of snacks and fluids in disposable containers. Restaurants and cafeterias are likely closed.

  5. Do not bring tools to provide comfort measures or only bring items that you can throw out (ie tennis balls). Be creative, use your hands and whatever is at available in the environment in which you are working.

  6. Wash your hands frequently for a minimum of 40 seconds and make use of sanitizing gel when soap and water are not available. Turn off taps using disposable towels. When possible, avoid using yours hand for anything when outside of the birth room (at the hospital), such as opening doors.

  7. Be mindful when using you phone or other objects. Have some disinfecting wipes on hand to sanitize your belongings frequently.

  8. Movement in and out of the birth room will likely be limited. Ask questions about what is allowed or possible. Respect the restrictions put in place.

  9. Be flexible and respectful. Policies are changing almost daily. Everyone in the family’s care team is doing the best they can under the circumstances. Everyone is having to adapt.

  10. When going to and from your client’s home or the hospital, go straight there and back. Do not make any other stops.

  11. Upon your return home, bring all used clothing and shoes to the laundry machine and run on the “sanitize” cycle. Sanitize your device and other hard objects you had with you. Have a lengthy shower. All of these steps should be followed before returning to your quarantine life.

  12. When possible and appropriate, provide virtual support. This includes offering prenatal, labour and postnatal support via Zoom, FaceTime, Skype, by phone, text, etc. Limiting physical encounters by respecting social distancing has been shown to reduce the spread of the virus.

Tips on how to continue to support families from NSDA members training/certifying organizations (in no particular order):